Food is a Constant Need

Do you ever notice how a few subzero days make you forget that it was ever warm? Our bodies have short memories. In the same way, if you have been hungry for a few days, it doesn’t matter that you had enough to eat last month or last year. Food is a constant need. Just like you trudge through the cold to go to the grocery store, many people brave the cold to come visit the food shelf, because food is not optional.

Recently a man from Wisconsin came to Minnesota for work because his relative owns a lawn care business here. He currently works part time (until the Summer season), but is excited for his full time job to start. Being new to town, it was his first visit to Neighbors. He had been to a food shelf in Wisconsin before, but this time he said he was “blown away” by the amount of food he received—twice what he had received before. We frequently hear stories like this from people coming for their first time. We do a really good job getting food to people! We could not do it without donors and supporters like you.

Thank you for your ongoing support – you help make sure that your friends and neighbors are not running out of food-fuel this winter.