A regular Neighbors Clothes Closet and Event Department Volunteer, Elise, recently also joined the team of volunteers that pick up extra produce at local Farmer’s Markets. Since she volunteers in a variety of ways for Neighbors, we wanted to ask her about her experiences.

Q: What brought you to Neighbors?

A: I remember my aunt talking about Neighbors when I was younger and always thought someday I will help too.


Q: How long have you been volunteering with Neighbors?

A: 3-4 years


Q: What programs are you involved with?

A: Clothes Closet and various community activities involving Neighbors


Q: What are some things you have learned while volunteering?

A: It is fun. You get to know the other volunteers. I have regular customers that come into the Clothes Closet & get to know them. Volunteering gives you a feeling of satisfaction.


Q: Focusing specifically on the Farmer’s Market Produce Rescue program, can you tell us how you got involved with this program?

A: Help was needed and (I) offered to participate.


Q: Can you tell us about some of your experiences at the Farmer’s Market?

A: The farmers look forward to having Neighbors pick up produce for the food shelf. They are happy to see us come. It is a win-win for both.


Q: What do you find most rewarding about helping at the Market?

A: Knowing that the produce is not going to waste and what we bring back is helping those in need. It provides a healthy option in food.


Q: Do you have anything you wish to share with those who are considering volunteering at the Farmer’s Market?

A: Yes – it doesn’t take much time or effort.  You feel good knowing you have made a difference and provided nourishment for others.


Thanks, Elise, for sharing your story and for all you do for Neighbors!

Neighbors is looking for more volunteers to help pick up produce at local Farmer’s Markets through the harvest season. If you are interested, please contact us at: volunteer@neighborsmn.org.