Taps and Apps – a new event this year and what a success! We drank beer (summit, of course), we toured the brewing company. we ate chocolate, we ate cheese and we bid on items. The weather was perfect so people could enjoy a game of bean bags outside or relax in the cool atmosphere of the summit tap room inside. With over a 110 people and thousands raised we were very excited. Thanks so much for all of the support of our community.
We also want to thank our sponsors – Summit Brewing Company, Kowalskis Market, Cafe Latte and Abdallah Chocolates.
Lastly, to all of those that donated auction items – thank you!! – Dodge Nature Center, Wine and Canvas, Massage Elements, Guthrie, Cannon River Winery, Park Square Theatre, Mall of America, Olive Grove, Breadsmith, Bierstube, Kathy Albarella, Dan Greaves Photography, Como Friends, MN Opera, Minneapolis by Bike and Woodchuck Case.