Fall Fashion Show
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Featuring clothes from the Neighbors Clothes Closet, this 2nd annual fashion show is the can’t miss fashion event in South St. Paul this Fall! Models of all ages will showcase a variety of thrift store outfits that will help you transition your wardrobe from Summer to Fall.
Clothing featured in the fashion show will be available to purchase after the show. Event takes place at Luther Memorial Church in South St. Paul. Proceeds benefit the emergency & supportive assistance programs at Neighbors, Inc.
Saturday, September 26, 2015
11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Luther Memorial Church in SSP
Tickets are $7 each.
(Available at Neighbors, Inc. or Luther Memorial Church)
Show includes a light luncheon.
A huge thank you to Kristy & all of her wonderful support team for putting this together. Neighbors is grateful for the community support.