So you want to be a hero and help Neighbors in our fight against hunger? Great! Here are some ways you can help out during the Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign:
- Tell your friends! Lots of people still have not heard about Minnesota FoodShare, and hearing about it from you will mean a lot.
- Plan a drive at your church, school, business, or community group. Think up a contest, offer incentives, and make it fun! There are a lot of ways to do this. Which one of your pastors can raise the most food? Which one of your departments at work can win a “penny war?” Neighbors has just produced a “Food and Fund Drive Kit” we are happy to offer you.
- We are very happy to have someone come to speak at your meeting, place of business, or worship service. Please contact Annie at 651-306-2142 or if you would like to schedule a visit. (Also contact Lon at if you’re interested in joining our ambassador team and representing Neighbors in our community!)
- Don’t want to deal with food? Financial donations are also very welcome!
- Throw a party and invite guests to bring in a food donation. This works whether you’re seven or eighty-seven!
- Offer a special deal or discount at your place of business when customers donate food.
- Set a goal and track your progress on a big poster. Or create an even more visual challenge, like trying to fill six barrels.
- Teach your child the joy of giving: One of our partners (a six year old) saved up part of his allowance for a month so he could purchase some Macaroni and Cheese to donate.
- Is your church or business part of a larger chain or denomination? Your congregation or business location can challenge another to see who can raise more.
- Does your workplace have a strict dress code? Offer employees the chance to wear jeans for the day if they make a donation.
We are here to help you! Please contact Neighbors if you would like any of the following for use in a food/fund drive:
Collection Barrels or Boxes
Plastic bags (Send one home with everyone to fill.)
Posters (Paper or digital version)
Statistics or other information
Visitor to speak about Neighbors
We are also very interested in spotlighting your food/fund drive efforts on our Facebook page, so please let us know all of your great ideas!
Thank you for all your help! Go out there and have some fun!