Community Donates Fresh Produce to Food Shelf at Neighbors

Did you know that each growing season many families, businesses, schools, churches and other garden enthusiasts donate some (or all) of their fresh produce to the food shelf at Neighbors? Shoppers in our food shelf benefit from this delicious (and nutritious) generosity. If you have extra produce from your garden that you’d like to donate, here are some helpful tips in preparing and delivering it:

  • Clean or brush off the produce (ie. no dirt)
  • Package produce in appropriate sized containers to distribute to families
  • Drop-off produce at the lower level receiving door at Neighbors during business hours
  • Exterior doors are locked, so please ring the bell upon arrival
  • We are happy to provide a donation receipt and donation weight

Check out the video below from one of our long-standing church partners Faith United Methodist Church in West St. Paul for more insight into giving gardens. Members of their congregation have been gardening for Neighbors for the past decade.

Thank you!